Seit Anfang April sammelt Nadine weitere Erfahrungen an einem neuen Praktikumsplatz.
Was Nadine über ihre erste Zeit im Mafalda berichtet, lesen Sie hier:
"After spending two months in the Kindergarten I am now since the beginning of April in MAFALDA. This is a cultural centre for young girls, bringing together young girls from various nationalities. The girls come to this centre in the afternoons after the lessons in school and the institution has really a wide range of opportunities for the young girls to explore.
The girls can do their school assignment after school. This is made easier due to the presence of help from the adults working in the institution. With someone by the side, the girls gain the motivation to do their work with some serious. They equally have internet facilities available to enable them write their school work and chat with friends thus keeping themselves busy.
The girls also have lunch together after school. This to me is a good foundation of a communal spirit in their lives. These aside, the institution also give them other outlets like dancing lessons, photo shooting, picnics, games, just to mention a few. The institution, being a multicultural centre gives the girls an outlet to learn about other cultures and their values and also about different religions. It is not given any religious preference, thus one can find Catholics, Muslims and Protestants beside one another. This is a forum for one to know about other believes.
I have enjoyed my time in MAFALDA till this moment and hope to enjoy it for the rest of my time with them. The girls are also nice and happy for I can give them a helping hand in their English assignments when need be. I will also be able to learn more about this multicultural Frankfurt."
Mittwoch, 15. April 2009
Endlich ist er da...
...der Frühling!
Dank sei dem Frühling, dass Nadine hier nun etwas erlebt, was sie an zu Hause erinnert. Ein zu Hause das so weit weg ist und auf einmal ganz nah...
Wie Nadine diese Zeit nach einem so langen kalten Winter erlebt, lesen Sie selbst:
"After waiting with all anxiety for spring, it finally came. Most amusing is the fact that it is really as warm as at home in Cameroon. I had been made to hope for this only in summer. After all, such a cold winter is able to give way to a warm spring. I observe everyone is enjoying this period as I can see so many people sitting out by the streets and also in the parks. The vitality of spring can be seen in everything: blue sky, flowers blossoming, bees regaining their leaves, just to mention a few. I have witness what I learnt in the literature of Shakespeare about spring: a period of growth, regeneration, vitality and vigour. I can know feel something from home despite one distance."
Dank sei dem Frühling, dass Nadine hier nun etwas erlebt, was sie an zu Hause erinnert. Ein zu Hause das so weit weg ist und auf einmal ganz nah...
Wie Nadine diese Zeit nach einem so langen kalten Winter erlebt, lesen Sie selbst:
"After waiting with all anxiety for spring, it finally came. Most amusing is the fact that it is really as warm as at home in Cameroon. I had been made to hope for this only in summer. After all, such a cold winter is able to give way to a warm spring. I observe everyone is enjoying this period as I can see so many people sitting out by the streets and also in the parks. The vitality of spring can be seen in everything: blue sky, flowers blossoming, bees regaining their leaves, just to mention a few. I have witness what I learnt in the literature of Shakespeare about spring: a period of growth, regeneration, vitality and vigour. I can know feel something from home despite one distance."
Zeit im Kindergarten
Folgenden Bericht habe ich von den "Burgbewohnern" erhalten:
Die Burgbewohner
Soeben habe ich auch Nadines Zeilen erhalten, die sehr schön beschreiben wie Nadines Praktikum im Kindergarten "Burg der Kinder" war. Ich habe den Eindruck, dass es für Nadine eine sehr intensive zeit mit den Kinder war, die ihr vor allem sehr viel Freude gemacht hat.
Ganz herzlich möchte ich mich an dieser Stelle auch bei dem Team des Kindergartens bedanken! Danke, dass ihr Nadine so offen und lieb bei euch aufgenommen habt!
Lesen Sie nun aber selbst wie Nadine über diese Zeit voller Erfahrungen schreibt:
"Before going to the Kindergarten, I had one general objective: to learn or have an idea about work with children. This is to know what the kids need and what you as a caretaker can give to them at this particular time in their life. The children have different needs and different ways through which they can meet these needs but it is left on the worker to identify the need and then know which means is better for each child to meet it. This is what I did not know and longed so much to know.
The beginning of the period with the kids was not that easy for me, first of all because I did not have self confidence due to the fact that I feared I could not speak the language well and secondly because the children were not use to me and thus preferred working with their teachers.
This problems did not last for ever as the children sooner became use to my presence and could play with me or ask for help when they needed any and because I gradually also gained a little self confidence. I thank very much the workers who helped me to realise my mistakes and thus tried to get out of them. It is thanks to their kindness and openness that I can say my experience at the Kindergarten has yield fruits.
At the end of this period, I got the goals I had set ahead of me which are knowing what children need and what I can offer to them which is good and healthy for their upbringing. And the important thing which I discovered is that despite my love for kids, I am reserved and therefore can not work with them properly. Thus it is left to me to fight it out.Away from the children, I miss them and also their teachers but still have in mind the time spent with them."
Unsere Zeit mit Nadine
Ende letzten Jahres lernten wir Nadine kennen. Sie besuchte unsere Kinderburg an zwei Nachmittagen in der Woche. Von Januar bis März 09 kam Nadine täglich zu uns in die Kinderburg. Sie begleitete uns im Kindergartenalltag und unterstützte uns bei besonderen Aktivitäten, wie z.B bei Festen oder Ausflügen.
Nadine lernte viel Neues bei uns kennen, aber auch wir konnten Einiges von ihr lernen.
Sie sang mit uns ein Lied, dass bei ihr zu Hause, im Kamerun, morgens zur Begrüßung gesungen wird.
Ein besonderes Ereignis war unserer Kameruntag, an dem wir viel über Nadine’s Heimat kennen lernten. Wir hörten afrikanische Musik, sahen landesübliche Kleidung, Musikinstrumente und vieles mehr. Es war für alle Beteiligten eine besondere Erfahrung.
So verging die Zeit sehr schnell und wir mussten uns von Nadine wieder verabschieden.
Es war eine besondere Zeit, die wir alle nicht so schnell vergessen werden.
Ende letzten Jahres lernten wir Nadine kennen. Sie besuchte unsere Kinderburg an zwei Nachmittagen in der Woche. Von Januar bis März 09 kam Nadine täglich zu uns in die Kinderburg. Sie begleitete uns im Kindergartenalltag und unterstützte uns bei besonderen Aktivitäten, wie z.B bei Festen oder Ausflügen.
Nadine lernte viel Neues bei uns kennen, aber auch wir konnten Einiges von ihr lernen.
Sie sang mit uns ein Lied, dass bei ihr zu Hause, im Kamerun, morgens zur Begrüßung gesungen wird.
Ein besonderes Ereignis war unserer Kameruntag, an dem wir viel über Nadine’s Heimat kennen lernten. Wir hörten afrikanische Musik, sahen landesübliche Kleidung, Musikinstrumente und vieles mehr. Es war für alle Beteiligten eine besondere Erfahrung.
So verging die Zeit sehr schnell und wir mussten uns von Nadine wieder verabschieden.
Es war eine besondere Zeit, die wir alle nicht so schnell vergessen werden.
Die Burgbewohner
Soeben habe ich auch Nadines Zeilen erhalten, die sehr schön beschreiben wie Nadines Praktikum im Kindergarten "Burg der Kinder" war. Ich habe den Eindruck, dass es für Nadine eine sehr intensive zeit mit den Kinder war, die ihr vor allem sehr viel Freude gemacht hat.
Ganz herzlich möchte ich mich an dieser Stelle auch bei dem Team des Kindergartens bedanken! Danke, dass ihr Nadine so offen und lieb bei euch aufgenommen habt!
Lesen Sie nun aber selbst wie Nadine über diese Zeit voller Erfahrungen schreibt:
"Before going to the Kindergarten, I had one general objective: to learn or have an idea about work with children. This is to know what the kids need and what you as a caretaker can give to them at this particular time in their life. The children have different needs and different ways through which they can meet these needs but it is left on the worker to identify the need and then know which means is better for each child to meet it. This is what I did not know and longed so much to know.
The beginning of the period with the kids was not that easy for me, first of all because I did not have self confidence due to the fact that I feared I could not speak the language well and secondly because the children were not use to me and thus preferred working with their teachers.
This problems did not last for ever as the children sooner became use to my presence and could play with me or ask for help when they needed any and because I gradually also gained a little self confidence. I thank very much the workers who helped me to realise my mistakes and thus tried to get out of them. It is thanks to their kindness and openness that I can say my experience at the Kindergarten has yield fruits.
At the end of this period, I got the goals I had set ahead of me which are knowing what children need and what I can offer to them which is good and healthy for their upbringing. And the important thing which I discovered is that despite my love for kids, I am reserved and therefore can not work with them properly. Thus it is left to me to fight it out.Away from the children, I miss them and also their teachers but still have in mind the time spent with them."
Freitag, 3. April 2009
Bewegter Monat
Inzwischen haben wir April und Nadine kann endlich die Erfahrung machen, was es bedeutet wenn der Frühling da ist! Die ersten warmen Sonnenstrahlen waren langersehnt und egal wo man hinschaut fangen die bunten Blumen an zu blühen. Wenige Tage ist es her und Nadine hat nach zwei Monaten in eine weitere Gastfamilie gewechselt. Diese Woche war geprägt von Abschieden. Nicht nur das "Auf Wiedersehen" sagen in der lieb gewonnen Gastfamilie ist schwer gefallen, auch das Verabschieden der vielen Kinder in der Kindertagesstätte "Burg der Kinder". Die vergangenen zwei Monate hatte Nadine in der "Burg der Kinder" mitgearbeitet und diese Woche gab es ein Abschiedsfest und somit ist diese Praktikumszeit beendet, was aber nicht heißt, dass Nadine die Kinder auch weiterhin gelegentlich besuchen kommt.
Praktikum im Mafalda
Seit dieser Woche hat Nadine auch ein neues Praktikum begonnen, im Mafalda. Mafalda ist ein Begegnungsort für junge Mädchen aus allen Kulturen. Ich bin selber schon sehr gespannt was Nadine berichten wird.
Nadine hatte inzwischen auch schon ihre ersten Messdienerstunden und als Lektorin hat sie beim Misereor-Gottesdienst, der von der Einen-Welt-Gruppe gestaltet war, auch mitgelesen.
Praktikum im Mafalda
Seit dieser Woche hat Nadine auch ein neues Praktikum begonnen, im Mafalda. Mafalda ist ein Begegnungsort für junge Mädchen aus allen Kulturen. Ich bin selber schon sehr gespannt was Nadine berichten wird.
Nadine hatte inzwischen auch schon ihre ersten Messdienerstunden und als Lektorin hat sie beim Misereor-Gottesdienst, der von der Einen-Welt-Gruppe gestaltet war, auch mitgelesen.
Donnerstag, 2. April 2009
Mitte März hatte Nadine die Gelegenheit eine ganze Woche in Köln zu verbringen. Weitere Freiwillige, die sich gerade aus aller Welt in Deutschland befinden, waren eingeladen zu einen Zwischenauswertungsseminar.
Wie Nadine diese Woche erlebt hat davon berichtet sie hier:
"From Lahnstein,i move to the next day Cologne where i was to volunteers here in germany from other parts of the world.T meet other his till now was the most exiting par of my experiences since my arrival in October.Before then i have not had the opportunity of meeting another volunteers and it was great joy coming together as peolpe on a journey taking the same foot part. The participants were from 16 in number from Bolivia, Ukraine, Poland, Serbia, Syria, Ruanda and Cameroon. Out of this number,nine came from Bolivia and belong to the diocese of Trier.Despite the fact that we had just six days together,the integration was quite fast and easy which gave room for sharing our experiences freely.It was amusing to know that almost every body feeled bad with the weather just like my self and that language bareer was the major problem.One difference between us was in the field of work as all but two of us work with handicapes and lived together in twos or more.They also belonged to the same organisation called NASIA:
The week was not only based on our experiences but it was also a forum to discover our personalities as we had so much to share.We shared our motivations and where our strenght rest.Sharing of our cultural values was one of the main activity that accompanied the week with the Bolivianparticipants taking the led in dancing in which they had a high appetite and the African manner of dressing to which they enjoy so much.
We also visited the German Historical Museum in Bonn which had alot to exhibite.One would never have felt the impact of the world wars but ths was the real time for it.Even the hardest of hearts will be melted looking at the photos from poor innocent infants who lost their parents and were found alone at the end of the war-Much was there to see but the abive was just too appealing.Worthy of remembrance was our visit to the Cologne cathedral with its beauty and self expressing nature,a perfume shop and to a Kölsch brewery where we had super and a few glasses of beer.I learned Kölsch is the only language that can the drunken for the dialect in this region bears the same name as the beer,Kölsch.
This week was made more lively by the organisers,Rachel and Angelica.Thier welcoming nature,openess and concern made the week too lively for all of us.Sunday became the difficult part of the week as we could not find it easy saying goodbye to each other.Despite the fact that we could not comunicate freely due to language differences, each others presence was of great importance..We parted finally in good fate promising to keep in contact by Email.It will be of great joy not for me alone if we had another possibility of meeting again."
The week was not only based on our experiences but it was also a forum to discover our personalities as we had so much to share.We shared our motivations and where our strenght rest.Sharing of our cultural values was one of the main activity that accompanied the week with the Bolivianparticipants taking the led in dancing in which they had a high appetite and the African manner of dressing to which they enjoy so much.
We also visited the German Historical Museum in Bonn which had alot to exhibite.One would never have felt the impact of the world wars but ths was the real time for it.Even the hardest of hearts will be melted looking at the photos from poor innocent infants who lost their parents and were found alone at the end of the war-Much was there to see but the abive was just too appealing.Worthy of remembrance was our visit to the Cologne cathedral with its beauty and self expressing nature,a perfume shop and to a Kölsch brewery where we had super and a few glasses of beer.I learned Kölsch is the only language that can the drunken for the dialect in this region bears the same name as the beer,Kölsch.
Afrikanische Nacht...
... in Lahnstein und Nadine ist dabei. Die Kulturen Afrikas hautnah kennen lernen und Klischees abbauen: Das sind zentrale Ziele der „Afrikanischen Nacht“ (7. bis 8. März) in Lahnstein. Jugendliche ab 14 Jahren können eine ganze Nacht lang in kreativen Workshops die Kulturen Afrikas kennen lernen und sich über die reale Situation von jungen Menschen dort informieren.
Die Afrikanische Nacht ist eine bistumsweite Veranstaltung des Bundes der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend (bdkj), der Kolpingjugend DV Limburg sowie der Katholischen Fachstelle für Jugendarbeit (KJF) Westerwald / Rhein Lahn.
Die Afrikanische Nacht ist eine bistumsweite Veranstaltung des Bundes der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend (bdkj), der Kolpingjugend DV Limburg sowie der Katholischen Fachstelle für Jugendarbeit (KJF) Westerwald / Rhein Lahn.

"One hundred youths turned as from the ages of fourteen turned out in Lahnstein in the evening of Saturday 7th March till Sunday morning for the African cultural night .This activity was characterized by eating of traditional African dishes and workshops such as drumming ,sharing of experiences by some volunteers to Africa and talks on Aids in the African Continent.
The young people had their own impressions of Africa .These impressions could be deduced from their questions and i learned that some of the young people think it a very difficult enviroment to live in. It was really nice making their views known so as to get clarification where needed .Some of the young people were very interested in the information expressing their wishes to make same experiences in Africa in the nearest future. It is clear from my encounter with the young people during this activity that many of them have fears of Africa and their fears were directed towards pure water deficiency, tropical diseases and food.
What was more special about the evening is the fact that it was crowned with and hour of Taize´prayer in the parish chapel in the depth of the night. Although not all the young people liked the idea the attended and participated in the prayer session which ended at about 1:a m.
Sunday morning had just one main iterm which was the holy mass In his homily,the celebrant for the day who was the parish priest of St Babara parish talked about the effect of the sun on us and this he link to our lives when committed to God´s will. Animation was done by the Kolping youth group of the parish which they sang with beautiful voices and good spirit.
During this activity i had an opportunity to meet a German youth who had made a volunteer experience in Africa precisely in Ghana. It was just too nice sharing our experiences as volunteers far away from home. "
The young people had their own impressions of Africa .These impressions could be deduced from their questions and i learned that some of the young people think it a very difficult enviroment to live in. It was really nice making their views known so as to get clarification where needed .Some of the young people were very interested in the information expressing their wishes to make same experiences in Africa in the nearest future. It is clear from my encounter with the young people during this activity that many of them have fears of Africa and their fears were directed towards pure water deficiency, tropical diseases and food.
What was more special about the evening is the fact that it was crowned with and hour of Taize´prayer in the parish chapel in the depth of the night. Although not all the young people liked the idea the attended and participated in the prayer session which ended at about 1:a m.
Sunday morning had just one main iterm which was the holy mass In his homily,the celebrant for the day who was the parish priest of St Babara parish talked about the effect of the sun on us and this he link to our lives when committed to God´s will. Animation was done by the Kolping youth group of the parish which they sang with beautiful voices and good spirit.
During this activity i had an opportunity to meet a German youth who had made a volunteer experience in Africa precisely in Ghana. It was just too nice sharing our experiences as volunteers far away from home. "
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