... in Lahnstein und Nadine ist dabei. Die Kulturen Afrikas hautnah kennen lernen und Klischees abbauen: Das sind zentrale Ziele der „Afrikanischen Nacht“ (7. bis 8. März) in Lahnstein. Jugendliche ab 14 Jahren können eine ganze Nacht lang in kreativen Workshops die Kulturen Afrikas kennen lernen und sich über die reale Situation von jungen Menschen dort informieren.
Die Afrikanische Nacht ist eine bistumsweite Veranstaltung des Bundes der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend (bdkj), der Kolpingjugend DV Limburg sowie der Katholischen Fachstelle für Jugendarbeit (KJF) Westerwald / Rhein Lahn.
Die Afrikanische Nacht ist eine bistumsweite Veranstaltung des Bundes der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend (bdkj), der Kolpingjugend DV Limburg sowie der Katholischen Fachstelle für Jugendarbeit (KJF) Westerwald / Rhein Lahn.

"One hundred youths turned as from the ages of fourteen turned out in Lahnstein in the evening of Saturday 7th March till Sunday morning for the African cultural night .This activity was characterized by eating of traditional African dishes and workshops such as drumming ,sharing of experiences by some volunteers to Africa and talks on Aids in the African Continent.
The young people had their own impressions of Africa .These impressions could be deduced from their questions and i learned that some of the young people think it a very difficult enviroment to live in. It was really nice making their views known so as to get clarification where needed .Some of the young people were very interested in the information expressing their wishes to make same experiences in Africa in the nearest future. It is clear from my encounter with the young people during this activity that many of them have fears of Africa and their fears were directed towards pure water deficiency, tropical diseases and food.
What was more special about the evening is the fact that it was crowned with and hour of Taize´prayer in the parish chapel in the depth of the night. Although not all the young people liked the idea the attended and participated in the prayer session which ended at about 1:a m.
Sunday morning had just one main iterm which was the holy mass In his homily,the celebrant for the day who was the parish priest of St Babara parish talked about the effect of the sun on us and this he link to our lives when committed to God´s will. Animation was done by the Kolping youth group of the parish which they sang with beautiful voices and good spirit.
During this activity i had an opportunity to meet a German youth who had made a volunteer experience in Africa precisely in Ghana. It was just too nice sharing our experiences as volunteers far away from home. "
The young people had their own impressions of Africa .These impressions could be deduced from their questions and i learned that some of the young people think it a very difficult enviroment to live in. It was really nice making their views known so as to get clarification where needed .Some of the young people were very interested in the information expressing their wishes to make same experiences in Africa in the nearest future. It is clear from my encounter with the young people during this activity that many of them have fears of Africa and their fears were directed towards pure water deficiency, tropical diseases and food.
What was more special about the evening is the fact that it was crowned with and hour of Taize´prayer in the parish chapel in the depth of the night. Although not all the young people liked the idea the attended and participated in the prayer session which ended at about 1:a m.
Sunday morning had just one main iterm which was the holy mass In his homily,the celebrant for the day who was the parish priest of St Babara parish talked about the effect of the sun on us and this he link to our lives when committed to God´s will. Animation was done by the Kolping youth group of the parish which they sang with beautiful voices and good spirit.
During this activity i had an opportunity to meet a German youth who had made a volunteer experience in Africa precisely in Ghana. It was just too nice sharing our experiences as volunteers far away from home. "
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