Mitte März hatte Nadine die Gelegenheit eine ganze Woche in Köln zu verbringen. Weitere Freiwillige, die sich gerade aus aller Welt in Deutschland befinden, waren eingeladen zu einen Zwischenauswertungsseminar.
Wie Nadine diese Woche erlebt hat davon berichtet sie hier:
"From Lahnstein,i move to the next day Cologne where i was to volunteers here in germany from other parts of the world.T meet other his till now was the most exiting par of my experiences since my arrival in October.Before then i have not had the opportunity of meeting another volunteers and it was great joy coming together as peolpe on a journey taking the same foot part. The participants were from 16 in number from Bolivia, Ukraine, Poland, Serbia, Syria, Ruanda and Cameroon. Out of this number,nine came from Bolivia and belong to the diocese of Trier.Despite the fact that we had just six days together,the integration was quite fast and easy which gave room for sharing our experiences freely.It was amusing to know that almost every body feeled bad with the weather just like my self and that language bareer was the major problem.One difference between us was in the field of work as all but two of us work with handicapes and lived together in twos or more.They also belonged to the same organisation called NASIA:
The week was not only based on our experiences but it was also a forum to discover our personalities as we had so much to share.We shared our motivations and where our strenght rest.Sharing of our cultural values was one of the main activity that accompanied the week with the Bolivianparticipants taking the led in dancing in which they had a high appetite and the African manner of dressing to which they enjoy so much.
We also visited the German Historical Museum in Bonn which had alot to exhibite.One would never have felt the impact of the world wars but ths was the real time for it.Even the hardest of hearts will be melted looking at the photos from poor innocent infants who lost their parents and were found alone at the end of the war-Much was there to see but the abive was just too appealing.Worthy of remembrance was our visit to the Cologne cathedral with its beauty and self expressing nature,a perfume shop and to a Kölsch brewery where we had super and a few glasses of beer.I learned Kölsch is the only language that can the drunken for the dialect in this region bears the same name as the beer,Kölsch.
This week was made more lively by the organisers,Rachel and Angelica.Thier welcoming nature,openess and concern made the week too lively for all of us.Sunday became the difficult part of the week as we could not find it easy saying goodbye to each other.Despite the fact that we could not comunicate freely due to language differences, each others presence was of great importance..We parted finally in good fate promising to keep in contact by Email.It will be of great joy not for me alone if we had another possibility of meeting again."
The week was not only based on our experiences but it was also a forum to discover our personalities as we had so much to share.We shared our motivations and where our strenght rest.Sharing of our cultural values was one of the main activity that accompanied the week with the Bolivianparticipants taking the led in dancing in which they had a high appetite and the African manner of dressing to which they enjoy so much.
We also visited the German Historical Museum in Bonn which had alot to exhibite.One would never have felt the impact of the world wars but ths was the real time for it.Even the hardest of hearts will be melted looking at the photos from poor innocent infants who lost their parents and were found alone at the end of the war-Much was there to see but the abive was just too appealing.Worthy of remembrance was our visit to the Cologne cathedral with its beauty and self expressing nature,a perfume shop and to a Kölsch brewery where we had super and a few glasses of beer.I learned Kölsch is the only language that can the drunken for the dialect in this region bears the same name as the beer,Kölsch.
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