Heute war es dann soweit! Nachdem Nadine im vorherigen Treffen bei den Frauen Informationen über ihre Heimat in Kamerun gegeben hat, sollte sich nun der Gaumen erfreuen. Das gemeinsame Kochen von Spezialitäten aus Nadines Region stand auf der Tagesordnung.
Ich persönlich war sehr überrascht wir gut mir doch so manches aufeinmal wieder geschmeckt hat! Für mich war das Essen während meiner Zeit in Kumbo doch sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig... So manches musste eingedeutscht werden, da gewisse Arten von Gemüse einfach nicht aufzufinden waren. Es hat wirklich gut geschmeckt und selbst Nadine war zufrieden und fand es lecker. Wie sie den Abend erlebt hat, lesen Sie hier:
"Women can be the same where ever they are. Cameroonian kitchen was then what the women´s group in St Josef set aside on the evening of 5Th June. Just the time the women gave for this evening was amusing, reminding me of women in the kitchen in Cameroon.
Three main dishes were set aside for this particular evening, Fufu-corn with Hackle Berry with chicken, Ndole´(bitter leaves) with plantain and Coco-yams with Pumpkin soap(Egusi soap). The women, about ten in number had two good busy hours preparing the food following the recipe´we wrote and asking questions where they had doubts.The above mentioned dishes could not all be found here so substitutes were used, “Mangold” for Hackle Berry and “spinat” for bitter leaves: How ever the taste variation was not vast.I really had the test eating it and most of the food was enjoyed by the women but for Coco-yams and “njamanjama” because of the palm oil. Each one of them felt satisfied and relieved when I own dish went successfully and all finally was a success.
The Cameroonian dining table was then decorated with hand -made elephants from paper and some green leaves.
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