Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2009

72-Stunden Aktion im Bistum Limburg

Und St. Josef war mit zwei Gruppierungen dabei - und natürlich Nadine auch! Wie sie die 72 Stunden erlebt hat, lesen Sie hier:

The nation wide social campaign, 72 hours action initiated by the BDKJ took effect on Thursday 7th May at exactly 5:07pm. There were a total of 13 groups in Frankfurt, one called youths of St. Josef Bornheim to which i belonged. These groups had in all four projects. namely, Kinder-garden, Retirement home youth house and a centre for women. My group, a group of 8 had the kinder-garden project, a project which they could not have hat a rest until their work came to an end. The launching took place at the Liebefrauenberg in the city where leaders from every group went up stage to introduce the groups and to say what they had in stock for the project.This was accompanied by animation from a group called “four men on the kitchen floor". After getting our assignment, we then spend the rest if the evening in the parish planning for the next day which ended at about 11pm with a super of Pizza.
Friday was dedicated wholly to playing with the kids and the elder ones who came in the afternoon. Many games were put at the disposal of the kids and they were very happy. It was so amusing that the kids found it comfortable in the midst of these strangers and were sad when I told them we will not come back to the the next week. It was also nice for to see that the kids enjoyed themselves and had really fun through out our day with them. How ever they kinder-garden close at 4pm meaning that our project for the day had come to the end. We then spend a few hours planing for the next day after which we disperse to meet the next day.
Saturday was officially scheduled to clean the fence outside the kindergarten but that seemed too small for the group of it which longed to give out their best for the project. The head mistress of the kindergarten was therefore asked if we could change the sand in the play ground? To this she gave and affirmative response and immediately we got sand from a group in Mainz which had more sand that the needed. The question which followed was, how will the sand come to us?Appeals were then send to parents but the vehicles could not carry sand.The group leader then came with the idea of appealing to to the fire fighting brigade. Here are his words when he called.“We are not an emergency but we need help“. Explaining that it was a group from the 72 hours action and then came a positive answer but it was not to be done immediately.We then spend the time during this interval cleaning the fence and weeding grass and digging little trees which could be harmful to the kids.Some parents also called by to give some support thus steaming more vigor for the work.Some material was also bought late in the afternoon still to make the play ground for comfortable for the kids.
By 8pm, we were already through with every other thing and waiting for the arrival of the sand..Every sound of a vehicle attracted our attention as we waited anxiously.Then came the organizing committee from JONA to see how far we had gone.As lucky as our group was,just as we were discussing with the team from JONA came hoots from the fire fighting brigade lorry outside the building.WE them received help from the tea m but unfortunately the rains brought our work to a ha ult but we still continued when it finally ceased.Then came a mother with her two young children and will not leave us alone until we had finished the final touches of our work at about 12:30am.We then had our supper together,pizza which was also eaten with good taste despite the fatigue.
We then parted at this juncture to meet the next day at 11:am morning for breakfast in the kinder-garden.This was prepared for us by the headmistress and her staff as a sign of the appreciation accompanied by tickets for the cinema.We then tidied up and parted company to meet again in the evening for the closing mass.During the mass.each group came out with a resume´of their activity accompanied by a symbol.The mass was animated by two groups,brothers $ sister and four men on the kitchen.The youth chaplain in his sermon thank the young people for taking up the challenge and said that just like the theme,they were sent from heaven and that after the work they are returning to heaven.By implication he called on the youths to remain those same messengers they had impersonated during the action in their daily lives.The activity finally ended with super of bread and sausages and sweet drinks in the JONA hall.It was indeed a successful event and a memorable one of course."

Messdienerin Nadine

Es folgt ein kleiner Erfahrungsbericht von Nadine als Messdienerin in St. Josef. Während meiner Zeit in Kumbo habe ich NIE eine MessdienerIN gesehen - immer durften nur die Jungs dienen. Ich hoffe, Bischof George nimmt uns das nicht übel :-)


All my life in kumbo I have never serve at mass. It was not a common place activity for girls in our diocese few years back and I actually never thought of joining the group even when it was finally introduced in my parish. Some parishes still have mass serving as a group meant only for boys since they are still enough boys to serve every Sunday at mass. There are other groups where the girls can fit themselves like YCS, YCW and Cardets of Mary.

This is not the case in St Josef where approximately 2/3 of the group´s members are girls. Besides this is the main youth group in the parish and the young mass expressed their wish to have me with them. I will also have no other forum to meet the young people if not in the mass servers group. They have a well organized setting. I like it in the group because my friends and other young people I know all belong to the group. I did not think it that fascinating at the beginning but I am contented it mass serving at the moment. It is also another Experience because I think I would not have done it in kumbo under normal circumstances. The Young Christian Students´ group had been from the early years my choice."


Noch befinden wir uns ja in der Osterzeit! Lesen Sie folgenden Beitrag und erfahren Sie, wie Nadine unsere Ostern hier in St. Josef erlebt hat:

The Holy week celebration in St Josef was not very different from what we have in Kumbo though as usuall with symbolical items .Holy Thursday was celebrated just like at home with it´s solemninity. Good Friday was no difference but for the fact that there was no station of the cross unlike in kumbo but there was one significant experience i made. Just like flowers a place on the graves of our loved ones , so were they placed before the cross during adoration .
The Easter Saturday mass was as well that traditional mass with the lighting of candles, singing of the gloria and the Alleuia,ringing of church bells announcing the resurrection of Christ and the Good news his triumph over death has on mankind.How ever there was some slide difference.Instead of the nine readings which i know from home during this mass,there were four in St Josef and also the fact that the mass started before the lighting of candles unlike in Kumbo where we have the lighting of candles before mass begins and enter the church in darkness.The parishioners had some sort of uniform candles from the parish and very symbolical presents carrying the messages for Easter.
One could fine chocolates in the form of eggs, lamb and rabbits.The parish priest also shared boiled and coloured eggs to his parishioners. The first question in my mind was, why the eggs? Normally the presence of an egg presurposes the existence of new life. Christ´s victory over death is ofcourse the start of a new life in the life of every christain. The reason why we have to keep behind us the past sinful life and live in accordance to our lord´s will.Though without sin Christ became our paschal sacrifice to redemn the world from sin.Come to think of the lamb,how harmless it is and it is for this reason that Jesus is refered to as our Paschal lamb slan on the mount of Calvary to wash away our sins.What then about the rabbit?The rabbit is noted for its´fertility and just like the egg stand for new life which Chrish bought for us with his blood.
Coincidentally all the above smybols happen to signify the season inEurope during which we have the Easter feast.Spring is a season of regeneration,rebirth and vitslity and one can interpret these symbols too in relation to spring."

Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2009

Nadine in der Bistumszeitung

Die Bistumszeitung "Der Sonntag" hat unseren Gast Nadine bei ihrem Praktikum im "Mafalda" besucht und einen großen Zeitungsartikel geschrieben.

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