Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2009


Noch befinden wir uns ja in der Osterzeit! Lesen Sie folgenden Beitrag und erfahren Sie, wie Nadine unsere Ostern hier in St. Josef erlebt hat:

The Holy week celebration in St Josef was not very different from what we have in Kumbo though as usuall with symbolical items .Holy Thursday was celebrated just like at home with it´s solemninity. Good Friday was no difference but for the fact that there was no station of the cross unlike in kumbo but there was one significant experience i made. Just like flowers a place on the graves of our loved ones , so were they placed before the cross during adoration .
The Easter Saturday mass was as well that traditional mass with the lighting of candles, singing of the gloria and the Alleuia,ringing of church bells announcing the resurrection of Christ and the Good news his triumph over death has on mankind.How ever there was some slide difference.Instead of the nine readings which i know from home during this mass,there were four in St Josef and also the fact that the mass started before the lighting of candles unlike in Kumbo where we have the lighting of candles before mass begins and enter the church in darkness.The parishioners had some sort of uniform candles from the parish and very symbolical presents carrying the messages for Easter.
One could fine chocolates in the form of eggs, lamb and rabbits.The parish priest also shared boiled and coloured eggs to his parishioners. The first question in my mind was, why the eggs? Normally the presence of an egg presurposes the existence of new life. Christ´s victory over death is ofcourse the start of a new life in the life of every christain. The reason why we have to keep behind us the past sinful life and live in accordance to our lord´s will.Though without sin Christ became our paschal sacrifice to redemn the world from sin.Come to think of the lamb,how harmless it is and it is for this reason that Jesus is refered to as our Paschal lamb slan on the mount of Calvary to wash away our sins.What then about the rabbit?The rabbit is noted for its´fertility and just like the egg stand for new life which Chrish bought for us with his blood.
Coincidentally all the above smybols happen to signify the season inEurope during which we have the Easter feast.Spring is a season of regeneration,rebirth and vitslity and one can interpret these symbols too in relation to spring."

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