Nadine erlebt das erste Mal, was es heißt, wenn am 11. November hunderte von Kindern mit ihren bunten Laternen auf die Straßen ziehen. Ihre Eindrücke hat sie selbst in folgende Worte gefasst:

Each day the brings new ideas and this was the case on 11Nov when i attended the feast of st Martin.Just a jest of his life for those who might want to know.
St Martin was a soldier and history holds that while moving on his horse one cold day,he met a poor man who begged him for food and money.Unfortunately Martin had neither food nor money to give him but he had atleast something.ST Martin sacrificed his coat to save the cold man from cold.

The activities of the kids in St Josef on this day had so much to tell.I believe it is a cry on mankind to reach out to the needy.the lights carried by the children could not be without significance.this showed thier desire to see mankind reach out to his fellow brethren.This was actually a wonderful experience.How i wish kids in other parts of the world could copy this wonderful example."
Each day the brings new ideas and this was the case on 11Nov when i attended the feast of st Martin.Just a jest of his life for those who might want to know.
St Martin was a soldier and history holds that while moving on his horse one cold day,he met a poor man who begged him for food and money.Unfortunately Martin had neither food nor money to give him but he had atleast something.ST Martin sacrificed his coat to save the cold man from cold.
The activities of the kids in St Josef on this day had so much to tell.I believe it is a cry on mankind to reach out to the needy.the lights carried by the children could not be without significance.this showed thier desire to see mankind reach out to his fellow brethren.This was actually a wonderful experience.How i wish kids in other parts of the world could copy this wonderful example."
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