Freitag, 31. Juli 2009

Zurück aus dem Zeltlager

In der Zeit vom 12.-24. Juli sammelte Nadine Erfahrungen bei einem Kinderzeltlager mit über 50 Kindern in Ravengiersburg. Die Gemeinde St. Johannes Apostel (in Unterliederbach) pflegt seit Jahren eine Partnerschaft mit der Gemeinde in Djottin im Bistum Kumbo. Nadine hat gemeinsam mit den Jugendlichen aus St. Johannes Apostel das Zeltlager vorbereitet und ist als Teamerin mitgefahren. Unter disem Link sehen Sie Bilder vom Zeltlager . In Wirklichkeit war es aber eine Reise ins "Reich der Mitte" :-)

Folgendes berichtet Nadine von ihrer Zeit in China:
"CAMPING IN CHINA - The kids from St. Johannes Apostle Parish in Unterliederbach celebrated their two weeks camping in Hünsrück under the theme China. A total number of 53 children with 16 leaders spent two weeks sleeping in tents and carrying out so many other activities in nature.
Featuring under activities included wandering into the forest in the depth of the night, ames or answering of questionnaires still in the forest playing in the stream, just to mention a few.
Despite the constant unfavorable weather, the children had fun through out the time in the camping ground with old and new friends.
The activities did not only end in the camping ground as the children had two days in swimming pools and another days in an animal park. The kids could spend five to six hour jumping in and out of the water but never feld bored. The day with the animals was as well quite interesting as they had time to watch and feed the animals. What joy for them who hardly see wild animals in the city.
Every evening through out the two weeks was dedicated to singing by the camping fire. This was an interesting activity with each tent group taking responsibility for each day in leading the singing. This ended late at about 10pm and the kids went to bed leaving the group responsible for the night guard by the fire till when the leaders had to go to bed.
It was as well a great responsibility for the leaders to keep 53 children busy for two good weeks.
At the end of it, while some of the kids were happy going back home to their families others felt sorry parting from freinds and leaving the camp ground but some had the opportunity to continue with the family camping with starting a day after."

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